Harpy-Summer Academy

“Harpy-Summer Academy®” is one of the very first summer harp camps in Asia.

 First held in the summer of 2015, it aims at creating a platform for harp learning
and music exchange through bringing world class harp teachers and young
professional harpists together. It helps harp learners to develop their skills and
techniques while preparing for examinations, auditions and competitions.

The 6-days intensive training in the academy include private lessons, master
classes, performance classes, ensemble training, technique classes, with aural
and musicianship training. Students have access to the harp recitals by local and
international harpists held within the week, and will perform in the Graduation
Recital held at the end of the camp. Outstanding students will have the
opportunity to perform as soloists.
In the past 4 years, we have served more than 100 learners from all over world,
like Australia, China, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, United States and its our
honored have Maria-Luisa Rayan to be our Artistic Director, working with
renowned harpist like Karen Vaguh (2015), Catherine Michel (2016, 2018, 2019),
Sylvain Blassel (2016, 2017), Gabreilla D’Olio (2017, 2018) Naoko Yoshino
(2018), Natalie Shameyava (2017), Giliian Benet Stell (2017).

Due to the outbreak of CODIV-19, Harpy-Summer Academy® 2020 is suspended for a year.   We, the Faculties, Administration Staff, Teaching Assistances, wish you stay healthy and hope to see everyone next year!

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